
Here, have some dynamite down your pants

Here, have some dynamite down your pants

Blogging about culture, equity, and the arts since 2013.

I’m a PwD, a PhD, and a lifelong educator & theatremaker. In addition to writing, I work as a consultant for both individuals and organizations in DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; specializing in performing arts and education) and dramaturgy.

I’m also a D&D DM, a Rancho Obi-Wan volunteer, an avid baker, and a gamer!

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Inquiries: bittergertrude@gmail.com

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Karla says:

    Dear Ms. Hillman,
    Thanks for another breezy, insightful, and informative article that’s fun to read. It left me wanting more. Specifically, it left me wanting to know what exactly is an object of condemnation, since I’d like to have one. Or a couple, in case one breaks. Did the playwright who sent you the nasty let saying you needed “require objects of condemnation” get specific about what such an object is? Anyway, if that person did, please let me know what it is (they are), or, if it can’t be described, please post a picture of one. In return, I will send you a modicum of dazzlement (it’s a size 12 and no longer fits me).
    Have a great weekend.

    Karla Jennings

  2. Frannie Naturno says:

    Well as someone who was recently rejected, or as I prefer to think of it, as someone whose brilliance was not recognized, this helped me to not drown myself in alcohol and chocolate…..of course the day is not over.

  3. Durf te improviseren! says:

    My compliments for your blog: it is very refreshing, entertaining, and – last but not least – also very to the point. It probably helps, too, that our opinions are quite alike 🙂
    I look forward to your future postings!

  4. LillianC says:

    Congratulations. I have nominated you for The Very Inspirational Blogger Award! I write for a living, but at one time I did study acting in a repertory theater company. I really enjoy reading your posts. The details and the insights are fascinating.

  5. supergoyim says:

    I agree with the comments which have already been made about your excellent blog.

  6. Liked your analysis about how the officials attempted to slot Ahmed into a narrative and were frustrated when he wouldn’t go into that slot. Well done. I would add that there’s more confusion and incompetence in the world than malice and conspiracy. The teacher who said that the clock looked like a bomb really meant that Ahmed looked like a bomber. I think the school officials’ minds were clouded by the ambient fear that Fox News and other media outlets tell us is the only sensible reaction to the world today. I think they were mindful of their mayor’s Islamophobia. Panic was spreading among them, a recursive helical terror that eroded their judgment. And their judgment was indeed terrible. But it didn’t come out of a vacuum. It came from us — many of us, anyway — and the politicians and the media who tell us all to be very very

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